Air quality data on this web page are automatically polled and have not undergone final verification.
Air quality data on this web page are automatically polled from Ontario’s Ambient Air Monitoring Network and are intended for public awareness. The data have not undergone complete quality control and quality assurance procedures. The air quality data on this web page are considered “unverified data” and should not be used in published documents.
Data integrity and validity may be affected by instrument malfunctions, telemetry connectivity, QA/QC requirements, instrument calibration times or power outages.
Data Not Available (N/A): Occasionally, data may be unavailable due to routine station maintenance and service activities, including instrument calibration. Typically, these interruptions are brief, and data should resume within a few hours. In cases where data remains unavailable for extended periods, technical issues such as power outages, instrument malfunctions, or network connectivity problems may be the cause. We are actively working to address these issues promptly.